Dealing With Finances After a Death
Alpha Fiduciary financial advisors will help you through a death of a loved one.
There is little in life more stressful or trying than a death in the family. The death of a spouse has a major financial impact on the surviving spouse or children. The passing of a parent or grandparent can also bring about other significant financial decisions, such as what to do with an inheritance or how to care for a surviving parent. When you experience the loss of a family member, finances tend to be the last thing on your mind.
Nevertheless, because such losses are an inevitable part of life, you should prepare for them with a financial checklist for death. Preparations can include reviewing death benefits, reviewing investment accounts, calculating the spending and liquidity needs of survivors, reviewing estate plans and insurance policies, and preparing for upcoming taxes or other related expenses.
The stress of a family member’s death can be overwhelming, even if you have a financial plan. They can cause paralyzing fear, denial, and even guilt, all of which can take a toll on your overall wellness. Having access to support that can help you through times of loss – emotional, psychological, and spiritual help – can help improve your overall wellness, allowing you to get back to enjoying your life more quickly.
Alpha Fiduciary believes in helping you above and beyond your financial wellness. We can help guide you to resources that will support you through these losses as well as help you prepare for such circumstances so that you can focus on taking care of yourself and your family emotionally and mentally.
Resources: Click below to Learn More:
General Info
General Info
Association for Death Education and counseling. Database of members and certified grief counselors.
Understanding Grief
Hospice of the valley grief support groups are open to anyone in the community who has experienced a loss through death.
Faith based grief support groups Scottsdale, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Grief Counselor who started the center for Loss and Live Transition. Information about grief and the stages of grief. Calendar of events to hear Dr. Wolfeldt speak, whole area dedicated to finding a grief counselor (Below)
Internet community for people dealing with grief, death, and major loss. Over 50 e-mail grief support groups.
S.0.S. Database (Survivors of Suicide). American Foundation for Suicide Prevention lists support groups